Radical Unity logo over a borderless silhouette of the United States

Radical Unity

A National Arts Funding Initiative


n recent history, attempts at civil discourse that acknowledge differing views have often collapsed. Partisans have used false narratives, conspiracy theories, and misinformation as deliberate tactics to ensure that fair-minded discourse devolved into brawls of opposing sides, including interpretations of the U.S.’s very own Constitution. Our collective story has been diminished and the meaning of what it is to be an American is uncertain.

Facing this, can we envision a compelling, powerful narrative that all Americans can own? Can the arts, in all forms, inspire humanity to unite as citizens of one nation, motivated by a common purpose and mission to move the American experiment consciously forward? Radical Unity believes we can.

Radical Unity is a partnership between Galvan Initiatives and Mediators Foundation that will fund artistic expression with the aim of bridging divides in communities that need it most. This multi-year project begins its Pilot Year 2024 in two states, Arizona and Georgia, which currently rank 48th and 50th in arts funding. They are geographically, racially, and politically diverse – and as such, are fertile ground for this work.

Galvan plus Mediators Foundation

We envision a United States inspired by its diversity, which honors the power of creativity, and manifests a future that celebrates and uplifts everyone.

We are building a coalition of local organizations from the ground-up. These organizations will collectively direct funds towards four local artists in their states to produce art, in any medium, that can “strengthen the civic fabric,” our theme for the year. We hope to learn from artists and local organizations about what brings people together on the local level, so we can further expand this project in 2025 and beyond.

Calls are now live for both Georgia and Arizona applicants.